Bug-free Symbols for Stenciling (6/18/01)

Since in most cases the symbol must be stenciled perhaps we should simply use one of those versions as the standard version regardless of how it is applied (stencil or not) to maintain consistency. All are attached for your consideration. I'm sure all would work for the purpose intended. Based on input from our pallet supplier, I would recommend that "B. Modified Stencil Version #1" be used as the standard all encompassing artwork.


A. Original Complete Symbol Artwork: preferred for documentation purposes. This cannot be printed accurately onto wood. (file: Insect Symbol.jpg)

B. Modified Stencil Version #1 (Solid Bug Body), preferred by our Pallet Supplier based on stenciling experience (file: Insect Symbol stencil.jpg)

C. Modified Stencil Version #2 (Hollow Bug Body), Stencil version preferred by our graphic artist (file: Insect Symbol stencil2.jpg)

Actual use