Minutes EIPS Mtg, 9/6/01

It has come to my attention that at least one of you was unable to join yesterday's call due to a phone connection problem. This matter was investigated by MCI and they have informed me that they did experience a "fiber cut" in their network at about the time of our call. This results in fast busy signals or dead air such that you cannot enter the passcode. This is because all calls through the damaged area are being rerouted which can take awhile. Their advice is to continue trying the call. This situation will typically affect only a portion of the attendees so it isn't obvious to those that did succeed in getting through. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you experience a problem like this, try calling their main switchboard at 1-800-857-5000 and they can assist. You will need the "confirmation number" or the passcode in order for them to connect you.

Attendees: Ron Johnson (Intel), Eric Wenger (Cisco), Phil Smolinski (Compaq), Dave Zessin (Agilent), Bob Sanders (IBM), Susie Burleigh (IBM)

The meeting did take place and we made a few minor changes to the spec and finalized it insofar as clearing the red text and making it available for review by key contacts in the industry. The newly announced HTC/NHTNC mark was also introduced into the spec (note: That was NOT OUR idea!!)

Secondly, we discussed input regarding the proposed IPPC standard which is due 9/17/01. We intend to send in a response collectively as EIPS. However, individual companies may also consider submitting input which may further bolster our input. It is imperative that each of you review that current draft standard and advise of any specific areas that you think we should try to influence. You can see the text of the draft standard by clicking on this link.


We will reconvene at 11am eastern time next Thursday to discuss this matter in detail. Please plan to join us for that important meeting.

EIPS Task Group WEEKLY Mtg All Dialers: 1-712-257-0306, 96707# Confirmation Number: 8395280


Bob Sanders