Survey Findings from 11/15/96
Hello everyone,
As part of defining the test plan, I had thrown out a couple of questions to the group
for comments. Here is a brief description of the results: (note all oth er comments have
been captured and will influence future direction)
- Sample weight and size - No Change - 25 lb/appropriately sized The clear majority of
people, legitimately feel that the already agreed up on weight and size should be used for
this initial, simple, limited study. The comments did however indicate an immediate
interest in studies at the 60 - 100 lb. range. It should be noted that the majority of
these people were i nterested not only in the heavier products but also in products with
significant offsets in C of G, like monitors and TV's.
- The shipping route will be from an equipment owner to an interim person and back to the
same equipment owner. The proposal was made to have the interim destination be the carrier
(FedE x or UPS) instead of an actual person/company. Since internal company handling
results in drop hazards we should not excl ude this variable in our study Very few other
comments came in on either the feasibility or the appropria teness.
John Cornell