MADE Meeting Minutes February 21, 1997 February 25, 1997 Hewlett-Packard Omni Rosen Hotel Palo Alto, CA Orlando, FL Attendance: Palo Alto Orlando Phil Abel - Amdahl John Bridges - Dell John Cornell - Sun Scott Cordes - Tenneco Pkg Dave Huntley - Lansmont Greg Hoshal - IST Kevin Main - Sony Kevin Howard - HP Jorge Marcondes - SJSU Keith Jackson - Tenneco Pkg Paul Russell - HP Bill Kipp - Lansmont Rob Salinas - Ventritex Robert Lancaster - Thomas Elec. Brian Tudor - Applied Mat David Leinberger - Tektronix Paul Zakian - Sage Tech. Paul Russell - HP Jim Southwell - Tenneco Pkg Bud Sweitzer - Tenneco Pkg Summary of both meetings 1.0 Introductions. Everyone introduced themselves and explained what they were expecting out of this project. There were several new people who had heard about the MADE project by word of mouth or the web site. 2.0 Highlevel Overview of MADE Activities Paul briefly discussed what activities have been taking place in each committee. - Alpha phase will most likely take place in April and will only involve 2 companies, making 5 shipments through each carrier hub. Alpha will be used only as a process check. - Beta phase will take place after the results of alpha are known. Beta will be a larger study. Currently, it is unclear how many field data recorders will be available for this study. 3.0 Committee Report 3.1 Project Admin. - Paul Russell Paul presented a chart that showed who the members are of each committee and what their area of responsibilities are. 3.1.1 Routes Paul provided an overview of the logistical issues that have come up. Mark James has been conducting a majority of the investigation and communication with the carriers. Both carriers are willing to re-route MADE shipments through their respective hubs at no charge. It addition, each carrier will provide shipping labels for the study. Federal Express voiced a concern that the UPS units should pass through their main hub in Kentucky, not the hub in Chicago. This needs to be investigated further. 3.1.2 Software Each field data recorder uses its own software engine to analyze collected data. This will create a problem in the future when all our data files are publicly available. Users will need a copy of each software to review the data. Paul asked both field data recorder manufacturers if they have a shareware version of their software. They both indicated they did and would provide a copy of each to Paul. Paul also asked if he could investigate combining them into a single software engine that could read and manipulate either data file. Once again both manufactures agreed and felt that this should also be shareware. 3.1.3 Justification Paul also asked if the Generic Justification, published in November, has been useful. A few indicated that it had helped explain the project to their management. 3.2 Test Plan - John Bridges John has developed version 3.0 of the Test Plan. This received great attention at both meetings and will not be featured in these minutes. Paul will develop Version 4.0 and post on the MADE web site and mail hard copies in the third week of March. 3.3 Equipment - Matt Daum Matt Daum was not present at either meeting but Paul Russell gave a summary of activities to date. Matt Daum, Paul Russell, John Cornell, and Jorge Marcondes conducted 2 lab free-fall drop studies of both IST and Lansmont field data recorders. The result of the investigation has been shared with both manufacturers to verify the proper protocol was used. In addition to the free-fall drop, Matt Daum conducted a toss simulation. This simulation caused the recorders to pre-trigger and inaccurate data was captured. After further discussion with both recorder manufacturers, Matt plan to re-conduct the toss test in March. Each recorder manufacturer is to provide Matt with equipment for the test. Once completed, Matt will publish his results to the entire MADE membership. Matt is in the process of developing the specs. for the "dummy" woodblock product. The gross weight of the packaged test unit will be 25 lbs. Herb Schueneman will build the "dummy" woodblock products for both Alpha and Beta phases of the project. 3.4 Statistical No report was given. Due to other commitments, Mike William has stepped down as the Committee's Chair. He has been replaced by Richard Sheehan from 3M. Richard plans to work closely with Analysis Committee Chair, Jorge Marcondes. 3.5 Analysis - Jorge Marcondes 3.5.1 Raw data Jorge has been working with the field data recorder manufacturers to obtain the proper protocols for saving unprocessed data. It is critical that the data files are in the raw state to allow for proper analysis. Jorge will provide the instructions for saving only raw data to the test plan chair. 3.5.2 Wave Form Analysis In order to identify what type of event occurred the field data recorder's wave form needs to be characterized. Tina Wong of Westpak will be investigating and identifying wave form characteristics from field data recorders. This will become part of the analysis committee's document. 3.5.3 NSF/EPA Grant Jorge reported that he has completed and submitted an NSF/EPA grant proposal to help carry on the MADE effort after the Beta test. Next Meeting To be determined after Alpha phase has been conducted.