Packaging for a Better Planet
Swedish innovations at the forefront of
sustainable packaging
Food production often has the heaviest
mental impact on the life cycle of food; that can be taken to
reduce food losses are there-fore important. In the retail and
consumer sections of the life cycle, packaging plays a key role
in reducing food spoilage and loss. Packaging can take a number
of forms—from the cartons and bottles food is delivered in, to
the packaging used to transport food to stores, to the bags we
use to bring food products home. Appropriate and sustainable
packaging options are needed to keep food fresh and reduce waste
from the point of manufacture to the customer's home. Sweden is
one country that has a long history of innovation in packaging
technology. In recent years, the country's focus has been on
innovative packaging solutions that are sustainable, a
combination that helps to reduce food and packaging waste. Food
waste is a real issue in the food industry and in our everyday
lives, says Ann Lorentz on of the Miljo pack secretariat at
STF1-Packforsk, a packaging research institute in Stockholm.
"Report shave shown that up to a third of the food we buy is
thrown out due to incorrect storage or oversized packaging," she
actually a much bigger environ-mental problem than the packaging
material, according to Lorentz on. Discarded food products have
a larger environmental impact than their associated packaging.1
Thus, she says, packaging products need to offer not only
sufficient protection for food products but also flexibility and
ease of handling in order to reduce unnecessary waste.
In fact, a recent STFI-Packforsk study
showed that 74 tons of yogurt-up to 10% of the food content in
yogurt cartons-is wasted every year in Sweden because consumers
find it difficult to use all the yogurt contained in traditional
packaging cartons. Other survey shave shown that consumers in
the United States discard up to 50% of their food at a cost of
$43 billion a year.2 This figure represents10% of Sweden's gross
domestic product. Making it possible for consumers to purchase appropriately sized packaging for their needs-whether they are
shopping for a large family or a one-person household-is an
important factor for reducing food losses at the consumer level,
as is having a package that can be completely emptied of its
contents.3Helen Williams, a researcher at Karlstad University
(Karlstad, Sweden), says that there are real environmental gains
to be had from offering smaller packages to reduce household
waste. Previously, the thinking has been the opposite-that
larger packaging is better because it means less packaging
material per food unit. "Our choices of food packaging can help
improve the environment," Williams says. "A one-liter carton of
milk, for ex-ample, can be more environmentally friendly than a
1.5-litercarton, which may not be finished before its contents
go off. "In fact, a recent study by Williams and colleagues
found that the easier it is to completely empty a package, the
less of the packed product will be lost. In turn, cleaner
packaging is easier to handle in the recycling system and could
yield positive environmental effects; additives in the packaging
could make recycling more difficult, resulting in negative
environmental effects.
Williams adds that the onus to reduce food
waste is on both consumers and manufacturers. "As consumers, we
have to be more responsible about the food we buy. Only buy what
you really need, and then use every bit of that food-don't waste
any-thing. When you're finished with the produce, re-cycle the
packaging-but reducing food waste is key. Manufacturers, on the
other hand, need to start looking at how they market their
products and offer different packaging sizes due to different
consumer needs. "To be more sustainable, Williams says, more
flexible packaging is needed to help reduce food waste; it may
even be beneficial to increase the environmental impact of some
packaging products slightly to help minimize food spoilage and